Hot & Cold (Basics Only)

Daily Health Practices

Black Seeds

  • Benefits: Boosts the immune system, protects against the evil eye & Black Magic.
  • Dosage: Consume a small amount every morning (5-10 seeds). If necessary (3-6 seeds) 3 times a day. Use Black seed oil for hair loss against evil eye.
  • Hot Water:

  • Benefits: Aids digestion and preps the body for the day.
  • Usage: Drink hot or warm water every morning before consuming black seeds.
  • Seasonal & Situational Remedies

    Chamomile & Lavender Tea:

  • Benefits: Helps with anxiety, stress, and depression.
  • Best for: Nighttime relaxation, particularly during winter seasons.
  • Hot Lemon, Ginger & Honey Tea:

  • Benefits: Fights colds and strengthens the immune system.
  • Best for: Cold winter seasons.
  • Citrus Fruit:

  • Benefits: Keeps you warm in winter and protects the immune system.
  • Usage: Incorporate into your diet during colder months.
  • Powerful Health Remedies


  • Benefits: Supports all body systems, expels demons, and wards off evil jinns.
  • Usage: Regular consumption is recommended.
  • Black Honey:

  • Usage: Benefits: Soothes stomach aches & Digestive Benefits. Cures Constipation.
  • Dosage: Drink a big spoonful after meals.
  • Turmeric:

  • Benefits: Treats mouth ulcers and boosts the immune system.
  • Usage: Rub plain turmeric on gums and tongue.
  • Yoghurt & Milk:

  • Benefits: Cooling summer drink, prevents ulcers, treats diarrhea, and aids digestion.
  • Best for: Hot weather and digestive issues. Keeps you Hydrated.
  • Basil Tea:

  • Benefits: Strengthens the immune system and aids in unwinding.
  • Best for: Regular consumption to maintain overall health.
  • Healing with sounds

    Vibrations & Sounds: Listening to specific vibrations and sounds can cleanse your body of negative energy and harmful information. These sounds rejuvenate your cells and awaken your inner spirit.

    Musical Instruments & Rhythms: Engage with instrumental sounds that uplifts and heals. Be mindful to avoid negative or toxic rhythms, as they can disrupt your body's natural harmony, leading to mental health issues and nightmares.

    Nature's Sounds: The purest vibrations come from the sounds of nature. These sounds promote healing, grounding, and a deep connection to the natural world.

    Quranic Healing: In Islamic belief, the Quran is considered a source of profound healing, offering solace to the heart and revitalizing the body at a cellular level. Specific verses are believed to expel evil Jinn, protect against the evil eye, and bring about physical and spiritual healing.

    Elemental Healing

    Water (Hydrotherapy): Pure water is essential for cleansing and rejuvenation. Regular baths with specific essential oils can enhance the therapeutic effects, promoting relaxation and healing. Ice baths are good for heart circulation and skin.

    Earth (Grounding): The human body is composed of elements found in sand and mud. To stay connected with the earth, walk barefoot daily for at least 15 minutes, preferably in the sun. Embrace sweating as a natural way to detoxify and balance your body.

    Wind/Air (Breath of Life): When the winds blow, step outside and breathe deeply to revitalize your body with fresh air. Be cautious of air conditioners, as they emit positive ions that can disrupt your well-being. Evil Spirits can travel through positive ions.

    Fire (Heat Therapy): In cold weather, stay close to the warmth of a fire. Traditional heat therapy methods, such as those in Chinese medicine, can treat certain ailments and help regulate body temperature. Keep a candle lit to maintain a gentle, constant source of warmth and energy.